
Welcome to Dragon's Wonderland!

The White Queen welcomes you to join in the festivities though you may be torn; the Red Queen DEMANDS you join her party. Snickering in the background the Cheshire Cat beckons you to follow him further down to Underland where the party is just beginning. Who's side are you on?

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Down the Rabbit Hole

DW would like to share with you a story. This story follows a curious little dragon and her adventures in Wonderland. We will update the story every week after we officially open! But to get you started here is the Prelude!


On a dark stormy night, a little dragon sat all alone in the big cruel world. She had tried so hard day in and day out to make friends and find a home of her own like the ones she saw through windows but no one seemed to want her there. She tried to keep her little tail up and keep on but as the rain fell she felt her spirits go with it.

Suddenly the little dragon noticed it was not raining. It was still cold and she was wet but the rain had stopped all around her. Slowly she raised her little green eyes to find a large white rabbit holding a parasol above her head. He tilted his big white head and one ear flopped over to the side. It was almost like he was asking her a question. The rabbit dressed all dapper and gentlemanly beckoned for her to follow him. She thought to herself 'why not? I can't get any more cold or wet and I'm already all alone.' So she followed the rabbit down the cobbled stone path to a low hill in the trees.

In the hillside, it was really more of a mound, sat a teeny tiny door. Far too small even for the little dragon. The rabbit held his hand out as if telling her to go first. "I can't find though that silly bunny," she said in a tiny squeak. He gestured again tilting his head until that ear flopped over again. "I won't fit." she protested though she stepped a little closer and stuck her nose into the doorway to give it a sniff.

Suddenly, she felt herself pulled in, and then she was falling. She tumbled down down down. Finally, she managed to spread her wings and the little dragon glided to the bottom of the hole. Her claws sunk into the soft earth. Nostrils flared wide to invite the smell of greenery and flowers all around. Her bright emerald eyes spotted bright flora and glittering fauna everywhere. "What is this strange place?" she asked the rabbit but he was gone. Slowly in front of her, a cat appeared eyes turquoise and intelligent as a wide toothy grin spread across its face. "Welcome to Wonderland little Dragon. We've been waiting for you.”

Her eyes widened at the cat, “Who are you? Where am I?” she asked. The cat smiled a mysterious smile and said, “Why you are here, or maybe there but we call it Wonderland. As for my name, you may call me Ches.” The dragon looked confused for a moment as she thought about what the cat said. ‘This can’t be worse than out there in the cold, maybe the cat...Ches will show me around.’ Deciding this is what she wanted, responded, “Thank you for the strange, but warm welcome. So what exactly is Wonderland? May I explore it? Will you show me?” Ches smiled again at the little dragon, “So full of questions little one! Wonderland is many things, as you will see. We are home to those who cannot find one anywhere else. Wonderland has much to offer, you may explore, I will be watching, if you get lost just call my name!” and with that, the cat disappeared, its smile remained briefly before becoming nothing, leaving the little dragon alone again but this time she did not feel lonely, just excited to see what this Wonderland had to offer.

Story Archive

DW will be posting new story chapters each week! You can find previous chapters here. They will be titled for ease of reading!


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If you would like to request a reservation, and the club is not open, please use the link below to access our off-hours reservation form.

DW's Reservation Form